Shipping / 送料
重量 | 配送方法 | 送料 |
定形外郵便 (150gまで) | 定形外郵便 | 300円 |
定形外郵便 (250gまで) | 定形外郵便 | 350円 |
4カセまで | 宅急便コンパクト(箱代込み) |
全国一律:600円 |
宅急便 |
2kg以内 |
900円 |
International Shipping
Your order will be shipped from Japan within a few business days. Please make sure your PayPal registered shipping address is up to date. When the item is returned due to the address being wrong, an additional shipping fee will be charged to resend it.
Your shipping is calculated automatically at checkout.
Automatically allows countries to place your order when shipping service from Japan Post becomes available for that country.
Please check the link below in advance.
Japan Post
Service availability by country